
Search "user:Trip5s"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Play a friend#1

How can I issue a challenge or arrange to play a game with a friend and fellow member?

General Chess Discussion - Suggest a setting to disallow premoves#4

ChesswurmOTB, it would not be necessary but for many it would be desirable. The reason petri999 that this question is raised so many times is that so many people do not like to play in games where pre…

General Chess Discussion - Suggest a setting to disallow premoves#1

Surely it's possible to have a setting where you disable your ability to make premoves. Then you could choose to only be paired with opponents who have also disabled their premoves. Please consider th…

General Chess Discussion - Losers Who Refuse Undos#29

After an undo the game is meaningless.

General Chess Discussion - which is the average age in lichess???#34

I am 64.

General Chess Discussion - Years Played vs Years Studied vs Lichess Rating#4

I've played about 32 years. I studied and played otb the first 16 years. The past years I've enjoyed playing only online with no studies. I studied all aspects of chess but mostly games and select ope…
