
Search "user:chessnut1134"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - My Rating!#1

Okay, so I have been playing quite a bit. I got up to 1414, which is pretty good for lichess. Then I started playing people easily on the levels of master at ratings of 1200. I have been slowly watchi…

Lichess Feedback - Increments#1

I don't like time increments! I'm a fast thinker and in 2:00 time, it's huge!

Off-Topic Discussion - Expression of thanks to the creators of the site#5

I really don't know how you can afford the site if you get a larger userbase. I'm sure you could use some funding!

General Chess Discussion - So many cowards...#5

What's the point of playing if you're going to lose? I just resign if I make a huge blunder. High level players understand the importance of every piece. Even losing a pawn can cost the game if you ge…

Lichess Feedback - Don't rate games with no moves#3

Make it the first move as well. I find it quite aggravating if someone goes AFK then makes a move five minutes later. Most, if not all chess servers do three moves. Good progress thibault. Much apprec…

Game analysis - Nice Mate in 8#7

And that's why you don't block your white bishop in with d3. The guy totally deserved it.
