
Search "user:grimus"

32 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Don't let normal users to be paired with cheaters when searching for an opponent (even in unrated games)#8

Is there a mark that shows you who the cheaters are? That's great! btw, i've played two games before in my past where the loser claimed that i was using a machine when i wasn't... what are the rules f…

Lichess Feedback - Lost vs king-only#19

I'm not 100% sure what the problem is here, but I'm assuming that it has something to do with the other player letting the time run out? If the issue is that you didn't have enough time to make a move…

Lichess Feedback - Cancel my unjustly won game#5

@casualr that's the only way to do it, but i would like that a lot.

Game analysis - You vs Stockfish 1,Checkmate in the smallest number of moves,submit Your game#146

20 moves. never played stockfish 1 before.

Game analysis - I really wanted to win this game. It was a Draw.#1

Lichess Feedback - How are points determined in a "left" game vs. a checkmate?#3


Lichess Feedback - How are points determined in a "left" game vs. a checkmate?#1

Is there some place where I can go to read about the points system. I want to know if I am about to win a game and the opponent simply leaves the room instead of making one more move and letting me ge…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request -- Bookmark option for advanced searches#1

I would like to look through my bookmarked or "starred" games. I have around 150 of them. I didn't see an option in advanced search for "bookmarked games only". That would be useful.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request -- Full Screen Mode#1

I wish there was a way to make the chessboard take up almost all of the screen, for when I need such a thing.

Lichess Feedback - I wish I could better analyze my games#3

Thank you. Anyone know how I can get the export file to work on Chrome OS?
