
Search "user:mcgoves"

1688 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Return to an anonymous game?#2

Each game has a unique URL. Most browsers maintain a history of recently-visited sites. You should be able to find the game there.

Lichess Feedback - Why Does it Exist?#9

Sure. But if I suspect the kid setting is controlled by a parent/coach, I'd be a fool to enable it without a path to disable it later. Or if there's another way that does enforce adult supervision, I …

Lichess Feedback - “hand” shaped cursor#23

@MethbuddyCrackusalem said in #22: > The worst thing about this is, the Hand appears over totally random squares I get the hand over any square that contains a piece, and never get the hand over an em…

Lichess Feedback - Is this puzzle's rating correct?#9

A few years ago, somebody (I cannot find the topic) pointed out, with a lot of data, that the PoD's rating varies wildly during its time in the sun. I think they captured the PoD's rating every 10 min…

Lichess Feedback - Why Does it Exist?#7

You may be right. I don't want to create an alt account just to test it. I always assumed that since kid mode has an age limit (or really, non-kid mode has a lower limit), and the very young may not h…

Lichess Feedback - Why Does it Exist?#5

Seems to me that a parent or teacher should have the ability to advocate for a child's account. Isn't that relationship built into "kid mode" somehow?

Lichess Feedback - Why Does it Exist?#2

Probably exists to keep people from bothering the mods with that sort of appeal.

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible to download the APK file of the new Lichess app?#7

@falconf7 said in #5: > But it's old version of app. Thanks. I didn't realize that page points to both the old and the new, but without specifying.

Lichess Feedback - Why would anyone play against people with "provisional" ratings?#3

Let's hope you never want to play Blitz again!

Lichess Feedback - How strong are the stockfish levels?#4

derkleineJo said in #2: > >…
