
Search "user:retro_sort"

10 forum posts
Game analysis - How to Win by Maintaining and Improving Your Advantage#5

To me, it seems like black isn't thinking well strategically. 10. ... b4 doesn't seem like a good idea - I don't know the opening well, but this seems like a strategic mistake. I think black is over-e…

General Chess Discussion - Longest unbeaten streak at Lichess#15

@Cr7fanatic This isn't actually true - I have a bullet losing streak of 41 games, the first and last of which are against stockfish: and (I pl…

Lichess Feedback - please give more time !!#7

Your profile says that your game completion rate is 93% I don't know how lichess work this out Given that the rate is 93% (i.e. 7% incomplete) and you have played about 190 games, we are looking for a…

Lichess Feedback - please give more time !!#4

I think the reason you get so little time is that you personally have a 93% game completion rate - which I imagine lichess consider to be pretty low. If this were higher I imagine they would give you …

Lichess Feedback - Milliseconds not available on 90/30 games?!#2

It appears lichess will only display tenths of a second when your time is under an hour. I would imagine this is because it doesn't appear to be a time scramble situation, so tenths of a second aren't…

General Chess Discussion - 1400 gets 2nd in Ultrabullet tourney#18

For a 2200 bullet player, 1400 seems to be a remarkably low ultra rating. I also note that you have until today been rated around 1900 in ultra (at least looking at the graph in your profile). I apolo…

Game analysis - Finally smothered mate i think#5

@Nihongo-san I agree that the position given is not smothered mate, but after Nf7+, Nh6+ is best because after Kh8, queen takes queen is mating - and after ng8, the most efficient mate is nf7#, which …

General Chess Discussion - Best rated win - worst rated defeat = ?#7

My bullet difference is 1530. I've got better on this account, but that still seems like a lot.

General Chess Discussion - What’s the time for a premove?#3

on it's 0.1 seconds and they have multiple premoves on lichess its 0 seconds and they have no multiple premoves

Lichess Feedback - weird elo gains#2

Your opponent in the first game hasn't played in a while, so has higher rating deviation (i.e. there is less confidence in their rating), so they gain/lose rating more quickly than you. Effectively, b…
