
Antarctic Chess Club (ACC)

3 members

I went here with my expedition team. A few days in, we noticed a helicopter flying low, shooting at a dog. The dog ran into our camp, with the pilot close behind. Shortly after during a series of unfortunate events, the pilot was killed and his helicopter was destroyed. Members from my team were able to deduce that the helicopter was from a Norwegian base. Me and another member flew to that base, only to find it's crew dead or missing. In one section of the base, we found a burnt creature that resembled something of an alien life form. Upon our arrival back to our base, we found that this alien life form spread to our base, and was able to assemble into identical copies of a host which it consumes. The species spread like a virus, taking over members at my base, inhabiting their appearance as their own, with no visible way to identify individuals as human .. or alien.

Matthew Sunderman