
Recommend a youtube chess channel.

I love watching chess videos. But sometimes there's nothing new to see. Please suggest some youtube chess channels. I already know these ones:

john bartholomew
simon willimans
chess icc
Tony Rotella was a student of John Bartholomew and makes really good standard time control videos. You're right though the personality is what really makes a chess channel. John Bartholomew and Simon Williams are the only ones i watch regularly because of personality. GM Ben Finegold from the St. Louis Chess Club has some pretty entertaining lectures if you're in the mood for that as well.
I just love the channel of chessnetwork.
His bullet and warzone tournaments are very, very entertaining.

then I also like the channel of Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis, especially the coverage of the Grand Chess Tour.

And the various Banterblitz with p.e. Peter Svidler or Sopiko on chess24
Simon !! I mean he should be ( A part of the team , Atleast ) the commentator of every Big Event .

I never miss his Youtube videos .

MatoJelic. He's not very instructive, but he is extremely entertaining.
Honestly, you covered the three powerhouses (ChessNetwork, Simon Williams, and John Bartholomew) and I wouldn't overdose on chess content!
GM Huschenbeth is underrated, in my opinion, and I like Dereque Kelly's presentation style and clarity.
1. Ben Finegold
2. Ben Finegold
3. Ben Finegold

Though I do watch every lecture on the Chess club of stl's youtube.
And many other channels I watch almost every video from
Raise that rating series (Reece Thompson) @Reeceys he has a link to his youtube on his page.
GM Niclas Huschenbeth
chess24 (Svidler and Jan only)
and occasionally chessnetwork (especially for puzzle videos and GM game analysis I really like both the regular puzzles and chess study videos he has.)
Prefer not to watch KC though I have watched a few videos of his.
Watched Bartholomew before but not a lot same with Simon Williams.

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