
Shame on Russia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shame on Russia and your mad, evil, psychopatic, psycotic, deranged, narssistic and totally idiotic president!!!!!!!!
To all Russian people. take to the streets, storm the presidential palace and tear out Putin and his vicious criminal comrades. DO IT NOW. IT’S ENOUGH NOW!!!!
Если вы господа полагаете, что ваши сообщения помогут решению русско-украинского вопроса, то во-первых вы сильно ошибаетесь, во-вторых, примешивание интернациональных шахмат к этой политике есть действие совершенно неверное. И никакие "Shame on Russia" здесь не помогут, это несёт только лишний раздор в ряды нашей любимой игры. А оно вам надо?
@Gerd_Ryder said in #3:
> Если вы господа полагаете, что ваши сообщения помогут решению русско-украинского вопроса, то во-первых вы сильно ошибаетесь, во-вторых, примешивание интернациональных шахмат к этой политике есть действие совершенно неверное. И никакие "Shame on Russia" здесь не помогут, это несёт только лишний раздор в ряды нашей любимой игры. А оно вам надо?
I don't understand a single word, russian man
funny words except "Shame on Russia"
Lichess is no place for political rants, the time of political chess died with the Cold War, thirty years ago. I am surprised the mods allowed this.
Oh, it's just very usual russian bullshit like "we are out of politics", "our sport is out of politics", "our people are not in charge of our government", "our war is out of politics" etc.
@xDoubledragon said in #5:
> I don't understand a single word, russian man
> funny words except "Shame on Russia"

If you gentlemen believe that your messages will help solve the Russian-Ukrainian issue, then firstly you are greatly mistaken, and secondly, mixing international chess with this policy is a completely wrong action. And no "Shame on Russia" will not help here, it only brings unnecessary discord to the ranks of our favorite game. Do you need it?
I translated what he said!
@wollas said in #8:
> If you gentlemen believe that your messages will help solve the Russian-Ukrainian issue, then firstly you are greatly mistaken, and secondly, mixing international chess with this policy is a completely wrong action. And no "Shame on Russia" will not help here, it only brings unnecessary discord to the ranks of our favorite game. Do you need it?
thanks man
Stop this ive seen like 50 forums of this and btw wrong place

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