
Why I can't win when I'm drunk?

I'm only loosingm, it happens aall the time when Im drunk :((((((

Why does this happens I wanna win??????????????
Sorry, I can't help you, I'm always winning when I'm drunk...
I think that the secret is to fight (at chess) against other friends even more drunk ;)
It depends on what you drink. After a few beers I play "drunk master style", but you feel it is enough when you try to castle your queen...
Tal was drunk often. He was so drunk once he could not light his cigar and he was taken out back by other Russians and soaked with cold water. He then managed to draw his game. :)

#5 - other Russians? Don't ever let a Latvian hear you say that!
It's really funny. I have written before, the players in bullet cocaine use in Latin America.
The trick is to always play drunk. That way your rating is your drunk rating and you can have good games even then!
"The trick is to always play drunk. That way your rating is your drunk rating and you can have good games even then!"


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