
The new Rematch button is the most absurdly bad designed interface element I've ever seen in my life

The new Rematch button is the most absurdly bad designed interface element I've ever seen in my life.

I suppose that it's intended to dissuade people from requesting rematches. Something which I agree!
This subforum is called "lichess feedback," not "hate on lichess." Your post is useless unless you're willing to explain why you dislike this new UI element this much.
The problem with the functionality of the new Rematch is the following: it's based on trying to guess a user/player action.

Positive action vs negative action. Any interface element that require an user input must use positive action (that is, the user/player actually doing something and provide feedback).

Right now it's assuming the user/player action: "if you don't do anything i'll assume your acceptance/refusal"

Then, there is the problem of non-discoverability. What should the user do when the user sees that button?

Then there is the lack of feedback... and so on.

Basic stuff!

This subforum is called "lichess feedback," not "hate on lichess." Your post is useless unless you're willing to explain why you dislike this new UI element this much.

Now I want to address this comment directly. I consider it a personal attack!

Despite this section of the site being called "Lichess Feedback" the majority of comments that provide feedback is consistently ignore by anyone linked to the management of the Site. Even serious matters like bugs.

I provided feedback about a serious bug almost a year ago and not only the bug was not corrected my comment wasn't even acknowledge. No feedback from anyone connected to with Site.

Instead, I have people like you insulting me. That's appreciated!
Well, I'm glad you at least listened to me in the sense that you explained what exactly the problem is in your eyes. As for my "personal attack," I don't see how calling a post someone made useless is equal to personally attacking them. All I was saying, or trying to say, anyway, is that it's not very constructive to simply call something "absurdly bad designed."

Imagine you have to write some sort of paper for a study. A week after you hand it in, the professor returns it to you with only one comment: "This paper you gave me is absurdly bad written." Obviously, you'd want the professor to actually explain what he thinks is wrong with it. It's not like you designed the paper to be terrible.

Another thing you don't seem to understand is that you are not the boss of lichess. In fact, lichess is completely free. Therefore, te developers owe nothing to you, and they can respond to your threads however they like, or not at all. These people are really improving online chess, and hate doesn't help them.
The majority of feedback is nonconstructive and/or unrealistic, and as far as I've seen staff usually respond to serious matters in a timely manner.
"Another thing you don't seem to understand is that you are not the boss of lichess. In fact, lichess is completely free. Therefore, te developers owe nothing to you, and they can respond to your threads however they like, or not at all. These people are really improving online chess, and hate doesn't help them."

Again, you prefer personal attacks instead of addressing any of the problems. You probably don't do any work at all.

Let me list the attacks:

"This subforum is called "lichess feedback," not "hate on lichess.""

So, my comment, because is not filled with praised is HATE ON Lichess! And that is not a personal attack?

And you continue with your attacks in your second comment:

" you are not the boss of lichess."

Never said I was the BOSS or order anyone to do anything!

"developers owe nothing to you"

Never demanded anything at all!

"and hate doesn't help them"

And again, pointing out mistakes is HATE!
Even after I provided you with even more details about the problem at hand, you still failed to address any of them.

Instead, besides being personally attacked, I was lectured on how to properly interact with a Free Software/Open Source project.

I've been in the Free Software/Open Source community since the 1990s. In our communities we welcome feedback, because that's how we will improve the software. Positive feedback (in the form of pointing flaws in a detailed way and possible solutions) is even more welcomed.

You, @lego00, seem to be a very immature person. As you show by calling HATING to the process of reporting mistakes, flaws or bugs in an open source project.
#7 Please calm down... I do not understand:

"pointing out mistakes"

Reading comment #1 I don't see what mistake you are pointing out... I just see that you don't like the UI. What is the mistake?
I like the new button but it should change to "Accept rematch" right after you were offered a rematch.

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