
The site wanna ban me.

Can't find the technical support to send this problem personally so I'm gonna write it right here.
Today I`ve played an hour blitz tournament and again, as it goes for a month or even more, few times I couldn`t make a first move because of just loading the page of the game. Fun is that I heard that my opponent played something, but I couldn't see it while my page was loading. So I couldn't even make a move, that's why I lost these games.
I tried to solve this problem by myself: I cleared the browser history and cache, even changed the browser but no result - still here is a black screen of loading the page with the sound of game started.
Moreover, sometimes I have this problem on loading every site page: even the home page, the studies, the profile page - any.
This "long loading the page" I see only on lichess, every other site loads in a second. Lichess page "Is Lichess lagging?" says that my internet connection is stable and good, then I think the problem is not in me.
So today, after the first "loading" game in another blitz tournament I recieved the message from Lichess:
"You have lost a couple games after a few moves. Please note that you MUST try to win every rated game.
Losing rated games on purpose is called "sandbagging" and is not allowed on Lichess."
Sure, it's fair enough, but would banning me be fair in this case?
Sometimes my opponents don't make first move as well, so I think I am not alone with this problem.
Please, help.

From a moderation point of view your post has been noted and will be taken into consideration should this happen again.

You received an automatic warning, which is sent when certain parameters are satisfied. Your account will not be marked without thorough human review of the whole situation.

For technical support please consider using or as these are the main channels where you get developers attention.

Also please make sure to follow this over possible
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> What if you're just trying to draw?

You should try your best for a result, I guess. If you play sound chess and then your opponent blunders so you're clearly winning, you should go on and try to take advantage, not offer a draw or throw the material back.

I think I may have deliberately played for a draw in the last round of a Swiss where I knew a draw would win me the tournament. Many normal chess players would do that.

From the technical side of things, it would be good if the client-side script could detect certain things, e.g. ping and other lag stats and report them back to the server. Even if it doesn't help the player on this game, at least the site would know the player's behaviour.
@for_cryingout_loud said in #3:
> @Cheersmaestro
> I have heard of this problem before dont know why it happens maybe we can solve it
> Have you tried a different device or betwork?

Yeah, the mobile version just flies instead of pc one. So the problem is not in my internet.
@Cheersmaestro said in #7:
> Yeah, the mobile version just flies instead of pc one. So the problem is not in my internet.

ok so we have removed network and browser as a problem

that leaves your device
but what about it

Maybe an antivirus is stopping the connection or firewall
or this game going to be alot more fun
@for_cryingout_loud said in #8:
> ok so we have removed network and browser as a problem
> that leaves your device
> but what about it
> Maybe an antivirus is stopping the connection or firewall
> or this game going to be alot more fun

well, I don`t have antivirus or firewall, but, as I said above, I have this problem only on lichess, so if it is my network, I guess I could see this not only here.
when I got this first time it was truly fun, but now it's not fun at all.
@Cheersmaestro said in #9:
> well, I don`t have antivirus or firewall, but, as I said above, I have this problem only on lichess, so if it is my network, I guess I could see this not only here.
> when I got this first time it was truly fun, but now it's not fun at all.

yeah but an antivirus could only block lichess for some reason but if you dont have that cant be the problem

Best i think is to join the discord and ask there you prop will get a better help

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