
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Screenshot Current Position lost its color2
by schlawg
Get Members of Team API does not work with Acess Token1
by CM TBest
Using Master Games during Stockfish Analysis2
by TheChessPhoenix
Lichess streamer layout no longer works properly3
by bufferunderrun
Move confirmation in puzzles?0
by Firestarter278
Proposing to expand puzzles’ possible types of scenario34
by Hott
Practice Mode Computer Stuck Thinking5
by oofyeetmcgee
Lobby rating Selector0
by Toscani
Ich kann meine "Freunde" nicht mehr sehen3
by Omarain
Statistics on cheating2
by HP_at_lc
Why is happening?2
by WectruzeneKnight_000
Can't play a position from an imported PGN against the engine in the new study created.2
by TorresCoutinho
Bug in studies1
by Telloss
Keep receiving black pieces after an opponent aborts the game when I had white3
by corvusmellori
cant change email address already exausted all routes to any help2
by Grungar