
What's happening to the United States?

It's horrible and disgraceful to see how almost all major cities are suffering. Lots of abandand houses, homeless people, increasing crime rate. Like Merle Haggard put it in his song "America first": Our streets and bridges are falling apart! Who is liberating these United States. Certainly not Donald Trump. Things have turned from bad to worse. I don't wonder as almost half of all tax money is going to military projects. No money left for social welfare. America quo vadis?
Several of your premises are invalid..several are valid.
Never advocate a decrease in American military expenditure unless you want America to be militarily attacked and defeated.
Using a professional singer as a political guru just don't work.
"Almost all" is a falsehood.
There is plenty of money left for social welfare.It is a matter of political doctrine how it is used.
The plethora of abandoned houses is a direct result of people who knew they could not service a home-loan nevertheless taking one.America's real estate laws are to blame for that..a mortgaged person can walk away scott-free of debt obligation.

What concerns military expenditure remember how costly it is to support more than 800 military bases and depots all over our globe! I can´ t see the necessity even if you are afraid of threats by Russia, China, Iran etc. I think it's more likely that common american policy is to rule the world. To maintain America's military power demands economic power. In this respect we can see a sharp decline in USA in comparision with China. "The american century" is coming to an end. Especially when yo treat your allies as Trump does.
When it comes to abandoned houses the banking system in the States is partially responsible as well as for the financial crisis in 2008.
I mentioned Merle Haggard as an example what millions and millions feel. I think people's reaction against police violence includes a lot dissatisfaction with existing social problems of today.
Just one more example of US double standard: Annexation of the Crim penninsula by Russia was sharply condemned by USA
but Israel is backed up for the annexation of 30 % of the palestinian land are east of Jordan.

I hope that we soon will be able to solve our problems in Europe ourselves without problems created by your country or any other country.

America has always leaned toward isolationism;I don't see the foreign-soil military installations as imperialist in intent.There is no move to occupy foreign countries,only to protect American interests in those areas.Having said that,it is a moot point whether in modern warfare situations the large numbers of bases are actually practical on a cost/effect basis.That's a matter for the economists to work out.

@chessprimus you seem to be saying that I am American.I refer you to my profile and the flag flying therein.My little country cannot,in all fairness,be said to be fomenting troubles in Europe.

Sorry for taken you as a true US american. Australia is a "small" but great country like Sweden. I can see your points but I am far away from understanding present american foreign/international politics. Like many Europeans I do hope that the US citizens will vote for a more reasonable president next year paying respect to all nations.

Have a nice day!
First of all, US military spending is 10 times the amount of the 2nd place country's spending.

Unrelated: the US has $24.22 trillion of debt as of April 2020.
A more telling assessment of countries' defense spending is total defense spending as a percentage of GDP. There is also the factor of countries like Russia and China where I presume the means of manufacture is owned by the government and there is less of a robust bidding on contracts.

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