
Is TimeTravel possible?

@ThisGuyPlaysUltra said in #1:
> Is time travel possible?

I've read that if one can travel faster than the speed of light one can time travel.

I sure would love to time travel. As a history freak it would be absolutely amazing.
@Luke_Owen said in #53:
> No i am not going to prove myself wrong, that's your job
No I'm not going to prove you wrong. I don't care if you keep believing in outdated conceptions.
@FC-in-the-UK said in #54:
> No I'm not going to prove you wrong. I don't care if you keep believing in outdated conceptions.
<Comment deleted by user>
Honestly, right at this moment, no. And it will be possible but we humans in the 21st century are not advanced enough to do such mind blowing things.
Hold on. I need some time to think about that question.

You can only see a thing when light is reflected from it to your eyes, and that could take less than a 100-millionth of a second.

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