
New Chess Variant

congrats Hillary, you are now the president !!! sigh............
A new poll was taken and the question gave three choices Vote for Hillary...Vote for Trump...Or vote for a huge asteroid to strike the earth....13% went for the asteroid. Me ...I'm voting for asteroid, but I will also vote for Gary Johnson. Neither Hillary or Trump are electable...but one of them will be. Scary :]
Don't listen to the media snob nonsense. I'm a sophisticated European and I tell you: there's nothing wrong with Trump. He will care about the US, leave most of the world alone, not serve lobbies. What more can you expect? Yes, his hair is orange and he's a populist. But that's not what really matters.
#3 @Zugzwang69 : About 7% of people indicated that they were "not sure" in that same poll, which I find to be even more hilarious! I'm voting for Jill Stein.

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