
No berserk possible in all tournaments

Hi, for my the berserk is not available.
I have two options: give 15 sec or abort game.
This options are a bug because when i click on it there is nothong happen

Can you please fix this

It's not a bug. Some tournaments can be set up with a no-berzerk policy, especially for the <2000,1700 etc. and any user created tournaments. It looks like this was the case.
He might be referring to a bug on the mobile app where berserking is not possible. It's being fixed.
I think they have already located the problem so probably soon.
<Comment deleted by user>
I have also had this bug
It was in hourly hyper vs @darkestphoenix
I was on mobile and had to let my clock run 15 seconds instead of zerking

I didn't win... but what if I did? only 2 points!

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