
Bug Report: Game Analysis

Hi, as you can see in the below image, the "best move" for white yields -13.4 advantage, whereas the actual move which was played yielded -9 advantage.
Was there a threefold repetition involved? More specifically: had the position after Kf2 already occurred twice?
@lego00 no, it had not. Furthermore, if you examine the board, the suggested move for black (I'm doing the "fix your mistakes" for white here) yields a direct fork between bishop and king (28 . . . Rd2+ 29. Kf1 Rxb2)
I think you might want to refresh on what exactly threefold repetition is. Assuming you're talking about the position below, the position after 28. Kf2 had already been reached twice and so white could claim a draw after playing it.

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