
[Suggestion] Allow Immediate Win/Draw Claim When Opponent Leaves the Game and Starts Another


It has come to my attention during a game that I played earlier today that an opponent left a timed game and began another timed game instead of finishing. I found it odd that I had to wait to claim victory in the game despite the fact that it was clear that my opponent had no intent to return.

I would like to suggest that in the case that a player leaves a timed game and begins another, the prompt to call a draw or claim victory should immediately appear, rather than forcing a player to wait.
You can't start a game without finishing the previous one. Try it.
I've done this myself several times when I've had opponents who let their clock run down in face of a forced mate... I just start a new game in the meantime. Lichess has never blocked me from doing this. Has this been changed recently or why are you saying it's not possible? @thibault

EDIT: I just tried it out again. I had this game running where the opponent stopped moving, so I started this new game in a new tab. No hiccups whatsoever, both games ran simultaneously.
Right, I know that message too. I think the difference is just whether you start the new game in a new tab or not. When I start it in a new tab, I never get this message.
I tried that for a test/experiment and now I am playing against to 2 players.
Wish me good luck. One is in a tournament and other is a challenge.
PS. I don't like the suggestion though. Sometimes, I have wifi problems.
Yeah, opponents have played me, stopped playing and started another while their time was running out against me too. It's annoying - I agree with @doom12384
You can play & seek for multiple games as long as it isnt your turn in the first match, when you start the new game.
Exactly. I can't prevent people from creating a new game when it's not their turn in the current one.

Or else we couldn't start another game when our opponent is stalling.

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