
Specific color for Mate in #n

In the game analysis graph, I think it could be a good idea to have a specific color when there is a mate in #n moves. let me explain :

When you look at the graph, there seems to be a limit (which is reasonable). Whether the computer says it's +10, +15, or +20, or mate in #n the graph will be flat. It completely make sens and makes the graph far more readable.

But my idea is that, for specific point of the graph, where there is a mate in #n, you could add a point (color blue or whatever), and thanks to it, just giving one look at the graph you will know where are the mate in #n moves

please tell me what you think of this
I have thought about this, too. In addition, I would love to see some unit for the vertical axis. For example: +-1 (pawn), +-3 (piece), +-9 or more (queen or more) and above that a line indicating forced mate like you suggest.
Instead of a separate line, this could also be a color of course.
Imo these are decent ideas. I'd also appreciate lines for +1/-1. However, let's not forget we don't want to add something that's not important to the graph. If it gets too much of the fancy stuff, it's not easy anymore to see what matters. Less is more, sometimes. Especially for people that are new to lichess or to chess.
I agree with @averagepleb2 . This would be nice, but wouldn't this just make analysis more complicated than necessary?

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