
Loading engine error

Partial success here (Firefox 115.4.0esr): 11 HCE and 14 NNUE work, both 16 (7MB and 40MB) still fail to load. But I had to reload the page after switching the engine type, simply switching it off and on with the slider did not help.
Hello, we're aware of the issue and working on it. In the meantime selecting SF14 should work as expected.

For now the default engine has been reverted to SF14. In case you manually selected SF16 in the past it may still be the one selected by default until you change to SF14.
Can't load default SF16 7MB in Brave browser version 1.58.135 on Chromium.

This worked for me:
1. Change it to SF16 40MB
2. Change it back to SF16 7MB

But I have to do it every game.
Thanks @Solal35. I want to report that I am having success following your guidance. If I start out with SF14, I am sometimes able to switch to SF16 and continue the analysis without error.
@cnmzr said in #15:
> Thanks @Solal35. I want to report that I am having success following your guidance. If I start out with SF14, I am sometimes able to switch to SF16 and continue the analysis without error.

Now I’m getting the error on and off with SF14. Refreshing the page seems to help. But it also messes up the puzzle flow when I refresh.
@cnmzr what error exactly? If you can paste the error shown in the browser console (F12 to open).
Recent CDN/cache configuration problems caused these malfunctions but it should be addressed now.

A lot of these issues should just "go away" as time passes and caches expire.

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