
Looking for holes in my game/how to defend when being attacked.

There is a lot here. What's your background in chess?
queen is out too fast, rule is to not move the same piece twice in your 1st 10 moves. best to aso castle in those 10 oves too
I will have a game analysis from both white and black pov sent to you within an hour.
Dr.Hack I have been playing for about two weeks. Been reading and watching a lot of chess videos and studying up as much as possible but still I am very new. Ive played video games where you get better in a similar way to chess so I understand what I need to do to get better but still I realize Im not a very good player at the moment. I really really appreciate you guys for looking at my games. Its a really cool thing for you to do.
@MadeYouLooK4, probably the best way to improve from your level (I'm speaking from experience :) is to play LOTS and lots of games. Of course, a few videos help, but experience is key.
As far as your game, keeping your queen on the board was probably the big thing (after a quick look).
I agree with @seanysean, you must play lots of games to become good. But also, you should try to learn and apply some basic principles such as those pointed out by @nonthings. Some other basic tips are: don't put your knights on the rim of the board, find open files for your rooks, connect your rooks, put your bishops on open diagonals. Finally, you might want to train a bit at tactics in the amazing Lichess tactics trainer. You need to know how to checkmate in order to do so in a game.

Good luck!
Two weeks! Congrats on such a crazy game in such a short time.

When I was first starting, I spent a lot of time solving puzzles. Regardless of what you do first, you'll need to start developing a framework with which to understand the rest. Best of luck.

Maybe a place to start is the value of the pieces in relation to each-other and how those values change. That way you'll have a method to start weighing moves against each other. Let me know if you want to talk about it sometime.
@MadeYouLooK4 #1
If you are brand new, you should avoid playing a lot!
Playing a lot without studying properly can lead to developing bad habits.
Instead you should first work on the basics.
Go through the Chess fundamentals book by Capablanca :
Go through the basics on Lichess :
Do tactics puzzles every day. Say, at least 5 a day, and be consistent and persistent. Continue for at least some 3 to 4 months.
Analyze your own games, preferably with a much stronger player and Stockfish on Lichess.
Focus on slow time control games, avoid bullet chess until your rating reaches, say, 1800+ blitz on Lichess.
Play correspondence chess to work on your openings and endgames (Usually it is allowed in corr. chess on chess websites to use opening books and endgame books).
Study good chess books, and watch good chess videos.
Personally I really like the chess videos by GM Akobian and GM Seirawan at the Saint Louis Chessclub. They both don't talk too fast, and their voices are pretty clear to follow by anyone. They have good and nice interaction with the audience, and there's quite some material for beginning chess players as well.

Good luck, have fun! :)

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