

At our club I always say to my opponent “please don’t send me home crying again “
There is plenty of luck in chess.
There are plenty of times I have accidentally stumbled into a winning position.
There are always Hail Mary plays especially in bullet where luck can play a significant part, and in bullet often times in the opening too if people are preprogramming moves...
But true and perfect evaluation will always make luck irrelevant and useless when the truth will and needs and can be found in chess and in life in general. Good luck ,bad luck only comes from good or bad evaluations
The person is simply trying to be a good sport by saying good luck. Maybe it is a cultural misunderstanding but it isn’t implying that the opponent requires luck or intended as some kind of insult.
Also depends what time controls are being used. I think there is rather a lot of actual luck in a 1 minute game for example etc. There is always a bit of luck in openings too. Sometimes your opponent will happen to be very experienced in a given opening and sometimes the opposite. The selection etc. is often based on chance and hence there is luck there too.
There are also a bunch of hail mary plays that do sometimes work in bullet and even in blitz whereby you know you are totally lost but you gamble that your opponent might blunder a very obvious 1 or 2 move mate and it sometimes happens because they premove expecting you to play optimal moves.
Having said all that, Le Patzer83 is exactly right when he says it is just someone being a good sport.
My memory must be going - I literally said the same thing a week ago:( LOL sorry guys :(

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