
Delete previous moves

I want to study a later part of a game, but when I bring it into a study I can't cut off previous moves. I can upload the position, but then I need to input all the moves by hand. Please add a "delete previous moves" option.
i think somehow i found a trick how to do that


[how i do it]

1. copy full PGN from top to bottom
2. paste on your 'Lichess study'
3. change [Variant "Standard"] to [Variant "From Position"]
4. below the variant, add [FEN " "]
5. copy FEN position BEFORE the move you want to start with (e.g. if you want to start with position with white on move 10, grab the FEN of black on move 9) and paste the FEN in the bracket
6. delete all the previous moves (e.g move 1 - 9) that you didn't want to include

hope it help.
I'll try this, thank you. Still, I think a "delete previous moves" button should be there.

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