
"Well Played" when used as an automated response by the victor is patronizing at best

I suggest it be removed from the choices of automated responses. Better yet, get rid of them all.
Never thought to call them chat buttons, but I guess that's what they are. They're terrible.
My question is, when I use the chat buttons does that get translated for my opponent into their localized language? Or is it the same as if I typed it manually?

I guess it must be translated because I never receive them in the wrong language.
I disagree, although sometimes it maybe is patronizing but many times i have played and lost and my opponent congratulated me on playing well. Even though it could be finger in your eye-type of thing, i have most of the times felt like they truly mean it.

So no, i don't feel patronized at all by my opponent congratulating me.
Instead of removing, you need a new button "request free counselling" or "complain about it on a forum"

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