
Lichess Recruits Full-Time Mobile Developer

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> Plus, while not everyone may own a PC or laptop, on a global level they usually will own some kind of smartphone instead. As a result, a light mobile app which is technologically accessible will be key to Lichess’s charitable objectives to promote and encourage the play and study of chess.
Oh please.
Nice !
will it become like when we use mobile chrome browsers ??
(as note: mobile chrome browsers almost support any features except very few at least with my current mobile)
Great! I missed the puzzle dashboard from the app, let's hope this app will be as fully fledged as the main site
This is great news, I personally miss the offline puzzles resyncing when you go back online, Hopefully this feature will get incorporated again.
Brilliant news. The app is very good considering it is a hobby project. Looking forward to whatever comes next!
Given that you're developing the new app in an open source fashion, will you be accepting community input/PRs?
I really look forward to the puzzles coming on the app

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