
Search "user:weggman"

24 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to calculate pawn endgames?#9

Not an unrelated question, but just a little: how does one handle pawn exchanges? I know in the end the pawn is integral, so my question is, should I really try not to lose pawns during the game, even…

Off-Topic Discussion - Any Writers Present?#16

Glad to see some good old-fashioned forum sarcasm at work, you may all be writers yet! As we all know, sarcasm is a sign of intelligence; I will connect with those who have shown some writing interest.

Off-Topic Discussion - Any Writers Present?#1

Looking to connect about methods, idea, etc. I tend to gravitate more toward sci-fi and fantasy with heavy satire and humor.

General Chess Discussion - News some advices please.#9

I second Logical Chess as required reading for all.
