
Search "user:Aza94"

18 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess is #3#19

Over the last 3.5 years, I've played around 8500 games on Lichess and way more than that anonymously- averaging 7 games and 24 tactics per day. Not even blitz, bulk of them are 10+0 games. I'm unable …

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess is #3#18

@TCF_Namelecc I understand that most people don't donate, it's hard to run it. I'll never be able to express how much I appreciate this site and the devs for this site. It's a testimony of their pure …

Lichess Feedback - Chess puzzles loop over Android and Apple apps. Deleting cache doesn't help either.#4

It has an impact because my playing style is highly tactical, and if I lose sharpness a bit and make one dumb move, evaluation changes by 5 points. When you play at 2000 rating, opponents can pounce o…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess is #3#11

Deserves to be stuck at number 3 imo. No one listens to feedbacks. Some bugs have been around forever. I remember swearing to donate to Lichess once I started earning. God things have changed.

Lichess Feedback - Chess puzzles loop over Android and Apple apps. Deleting cache doesn't help either.#2

Please look into this matter. My chess performance and inspiration are going down big time. Lost close to 150 Rapid rating points recently.

Lichess Feedback - Chess puzzles loop over Android and Apple apps. Deleting cache doesn't help either.#1

The loop starts with puzzle #61060 and consists of around 30 puzzles I guess. Puzzles are the reason I love chess. And I've finished around 30,000 puzzles on Lichess. This issue has been plaguing me f…

Lichess Feedback - Make reporting cheaters less complicated #1

Hello, I have used both the Lichess Android and iOS apps. Neither app has a feature to report a cheater after a game. I have to analyze a game to make sure a player cheated against me, then quit the a…

Lichess Feedback - Is it okay to call someone a fa**ot? #1

I've been harassed badly by my opponent after a game that has really affected me and my performance. Despite reporting immediately, Lichess took no action for days. I reported again, this time telling…

Lichess Feedback - Training bug in the Android app#1

I am being given the same training problems every time on the app, despite playing it already. Even if I finish all of them now, I'll get the same ones again. Please help.

Lichess Feedback - Bugs don't allow me to play desired rating#1

I wanted to play 10+0 games with players rated below 1500, and the app always connects with a player 1700+, despite the specification in 'Create a game'. I abort the game and try again. Now a 1800+ pl…
