
Search "user:HailstormChessPlayer"

416 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Chess and Romance - a few thoughts#28

@redteakitten said in #27: > Hehe it's fun! :)) > > I mean, why not? It's better to let people know that their daydreams don't work with real women/girls than to let them continue believing - I person…

Off-Topic Discussion - What to do guysss... I have a long username...#1

And if I play too many games, I feel like I'm wasting lichess database storage, since my username will occupy more space.

Off-Topic Discussion - Chess and Romance - a few thoughts#26

@redteakitten said in #25: > Why are you wasting time writing so long post with so much effort for this weird old man, lil' kit!? Let him have his daydreams!

General Chess Discussion - I'm back after two years.#4

@Shreksify said in #1: > We both left in the same time!! But I came back one year break instead of two... So, you can do a start by solving puzzles... Lichess puzzles really got the real game vibes. #…

General Chess Discussion - Most # of studies?#2

@RushConnectedPawns said in #1: > Literally any titled player: For instance Lance5500...

Off-Topic Discussion - they dont want me to live my live and play good chess#11

You guys should meet my dad, then you'll know what feels like hell. He's literally a gorilla!

Off-Topic Discussion - can you actually play with your nose on a tournament??#3

No, unless you're an elephant or the tournament organizer and your opponent lunatic.

Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#4

@MIHIR_KATTI said in #1: > I feel it doesn't. Please, pizzas are supposed to be spicy, I thought!! ;-; I demand a ban on pineapples! There are better fruits!

Off-Topic Discussion - Chess and Romance - a few thoughts#14

LiMods having a great time... Keep it up! Am I the only one who thinks these are in no way funny, but very stupid.?

Off-Topic Discussion - I found something for cska_moscou#4

@CSKA_Moscou said in #2: > Just wondering how old are you... EDIT: Btw, I'm 16 and I have -1, slight myopia, so I think it shouldn't get much worse till I'm 25 or something.. :/
