
Search "user:cnmzr"

24 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Free Tournament Broadcasting with ChessCam#5

If only tournament organizers would allow electronics into the playing hall...

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Streak#4

The problem appears to be fixed today in replaying puzzle mix.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Streak#3

The same problem occurs when replaying puzzle mix. It started yesterday after lichess restarted.

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible to play against stockfish offline?#3

It works on the app! Not possible on browser. Thanks for the tip.

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible to play against stockfish offline?#1

I’m about to take a flight and wonder if it’s possible to play against SF running locally on my device using lichess.

Lichess Feedback - Running stockfish locally makes phone hot#3

@for_cryingout_loud said in #2: > Yes because you set it to use all 4 threads on your phone meaning its using 100% of your cpu which causes it to heat up set it to less threads for less heat but slowe…

Game analysis - Force Mate In 130 Moves?#4

In the very beginning of the video the NM explains that stockfish cannot see this forced checkmate because 130 moves exceeds the max-depth setting for most stockfish implementations. Maybe if one runs…

Lichess Feedback - Running stockfish locally makes phone hot#1

Did anybody else experience this? When solving puzzles, if I toggle stockfish even for a few moves my phone gets hot. It cools down again once I toggle stockfish off. (v16 7mb, minimum memory setting …

Game analysis - Force Mate In 130 Moves?#2

Perhaps you could also link to the video in question so that others can compare the two.

Game analysis - Is knowledge of checkmates cheating?#5

@aVague said in #3: > Also You reallt played on Hight Accuracy based on the Analysis, which can be not so often among 1300, so there s a big chance of meeting someone there, who will doubt that Hight …
