
Ding defeats Carlsen with a brilliant king walk

I think it's misleading to write this headline without clarifying that it's a blitz game from 4 years ago.

Makes it seem like Ding just defeated Carlsen today, which would obviously be major news considering Ding just took Carlsen's title, but is seen by many as illegitimate due to his being weaker than Carlsen and failing to defeat Carlsen in battle.
"... but is seen by many as illegitimate due to his being weaker than Carlsen " That's ridiculous. You can only beat whoever is put in front of you. Was Karpov "illegitimate" because Fischer chose not to compete?
Well. Ding really deserve the World Chess Champion 2023 for defeating the former World Champion in chess. states that the game of Carlsen vs. Ding at Tata Steel 2019 was a draw. And Ding had the White pieces ...
I only care about the game story. Unfortunately championship meta story gets in the way of chess. The point here was not about who wins but about the game itself.
@jemir said in #18:
> @dboing If "meta" is fake, maybe the game in question also (?)

They aren't saying meta is fake, they are saying they don't care about it.
i do not use the word story pejoratively... at least not in this context.. it is a vague enough word to point to what i needed.

If one believes that language and our communications can exactly capture some pure objective truth, then story, might appear too subjective. but I think objectivity in communication is more about trying to get there admitting we use stories as best approximations that are easier to remember and put into short enough paragraphs.

I hope to have elaborated enough on that hypothesis that i was taking about fake came from having used the word story. which might also be just a story of mine.. was a fun loop to write...

also draw win or lose.. the blog and its source video was about the chess stories in-game.. not outside the game. that is all that mattered to me.. The title could have omitted the players name, and the content would be the same.

I am bad with names anyway...