
[GAMES] Post your best games here!

I found this position which is a little interesting with the queen in the corner
the continuation of this game
here i play the space it also has a rant and a cool endgame(first link).
I could have played it as it has increment but I wanted to sit back and relax listening to the radio watching
the position, I already played yesterday the silly marathon, enough stress for me
which did not have increment but I dont like that, I like it to take it easy and relax.
but next time I might make an effort cause I dont like to have the game divided into two parts
or I just play maybe long control time, whatever it does not really matter.
it does not feel like talent when you play a game in two parts, it feels like you made it up
and since I am an arrogant patzer I need to do it well.
its like if you are listening to a symphony and the director goes and puts you into silence in the middle of the music,
its not the same.
but the thing of the game is that a human would probably put the queen in the corner as it did not have many options.
since im new to chess I still enjoy these positions as I have not seen them before, maybe its pretty basic but still I like it.
Of course I could not predict that the queen would end in the corner, all I did was played the space and by tactics almost by chance the queen arrived there, so I like it.

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