
Lichess is a little homophobic

anyone in here that is giving chess a sexuality preference marsrock.
@Gayboy2006 said in #1:
> Lichess, you still don't have a variation of chess where there is 2 kings for each player. How are people like me supposed to play chess properly I find it very difficult to play normal chess I want 2 king chess added.

Go open a brand new set of playing cards if you want to have kissing kings.

Chess is not homophobic, its just representing a monarchical structure, and in such structure, there is only 1 figure that controls the complete power of the state and that power is passed down to the next generation with a legitimate son. You cant have a legitimate son with another king.

If you want a representation of a diarchy, go and invent a new game.

I dont have a problem with homosexual persons, but i dislike their movement because they want to hijack the platforms that are clearly not built for them. Create your own structures. Create your own games, create your own political party. Create your own version of victoria's secret.
this is the most confusing statement i seen today probably cause i didnt read it yet
@puzzlesandpuzzles said in #11:
> yes but then you would need to add a lesbian version.
> how would you win then?

And then one where you can change your king into anything else or even a piece that doesnt exist at all.
@Alientcp said in #26:
> And then one where you can change your king into anything else or even a piece that doesnt exist at all.


chess, transgender variation: once each game, when you get checkmated, your king gets an extra move, because he isn't the king, but the queen. If your king can escape checkmate by moving two squares in a straight line, then the game continues.
@YourPersonalWaifu said in #27:
> ----
> chess, transgender variation: once each game, when you get checkmated, your king gets an extra move, because he isn't the king, but the queen. If your king can escape checkmate by moving two squares in a straight line, then the game continues.

That just starts becoming stupid but 2 king chess is possible
@Gayboy2006 said in #28:
> That just starts becoming stupid but 2 king chess is possible


oh so my idea is stupid now? Well let's see.

"two king chess is possible". You know what else is possible? It is possible that I can design a trebuchet built exactly like a 13th-century medieval catapult, with a bucket large enough to fit a pig, and that it launches a pig 500 meters horizontally. After launch, it is possible that said pig will crash through somebody's roof. And It is possible that somebody was sitting right under the pig and got squashed into oblivion. And it is possible that I get charged for manslaughter for murdering someone via pigfall.

But it is very unlikely and ridiculous.
@Gayboy2006 said in #28:
> That just starts becoming stupid but 2 king chess is possible.

It became stupid since there was a suggestion for extra kings. Dont pretend that was a good idea.
All the joke alternatives are just as possible as the suggested variation. If you propose a variation for a sexual preference/ideology, you either you close the door for any of such variations or you open it to the rest. There is no middle ground.

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