
Regium electronic chess board - about to be released

i didn't even thought that it could be fake, but you may be right... Seems too far ahead of all i saw so far...
I dont thing there anything truly suspicious about it. It is just can they make it work when produced in amounts. But wait and see
i'd like that one too... seems the wizard chess from harry potter, with clay!
@bufferunderrun - I googled some the names but didn’t get very far - except that the Google guy is still there - was there anything specific that made you suspicious?

It’s your point on the Bot account that makes me worry. Presumably most ppl will think they’re playing against a machine, so unless Lichess has been involved with the integration, which doesn’t seem like it’s the case, I might wait to see how it works in practice.

But now I want the clay one as well 😉!

No, Lichess has not been involved with this at all.

Half the team if not more have names connected to celebrities, that's a rather weird coincidence. I couldn't find anything on these guys, except one guy. Strange again.
The board seems to be thinner than DGT board (DGT serial boards are 2cm). So you add a layer of electromagnets, what 8mm, and then have to have a layer of wood on top and bottom, plus PCB with electronics and the battery. Doesn't sound like you've got space for all of this.
He always puts the hands back after each move. There are no shadows.
Why would you need a serial port if the board has an USB port? You can use USB-C, just like DGT's Smart boards, to connect the multiple boards. Same goes for bluetooth and Wi-Fi, it's a bit redundant. Makes no sense.
Comments on YouTube, like "we have programmed the engine on purpose to play this famous game" that make no sense.
Obviously fake testimonials. That could plausibly be a marketing trick.
Check out how Square Off pieces move.

I would need to see it to believe it. It just way too good to be true at this point.
Thanks @bufferunderrun - maybe better to let others be the Guinea Pigs, then. Possibly the weirdest con I’ve seen if it is one. It would be a quantum leap from Square Off if genuine - very loud and clunky.
The whole thing is a scam, the product doesn't exist, and the videos demonstrating it are fake.

Please let us remain prudent with the things we see on the Internet. Especially with things we badly want to be true.

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