
Situation with one NM.


Thank you a lot for your very kind post.
I highly appreciate it.

Your points make the perfect sense.

Well, each chessplayer is unique.

IM Fins is very strong and skilled player and super intelligent person and one of the best (and most enjoyable to watch) chess streamers for sure.

LM Atrophied is exceptionally talented crazyhouse player and very nice crazyhouse streamer and pretty solid chessplayer as well.

Maybe I also have some unique advantage (for spectators) as a chessplayer but this is better to know by other chessplayers.

Congradulations for your amazing jump in rating and skills in less than a year!
It shows your potential and I am very glad for yourself.

I wish you to continue climbing forward by level of chess understanding, rating etc.

Playing fo fun is more exciting.
Playing for the result makes more sense in important tournaments.

Lichess is fantastic playzone and it is unlimited fan to play.
Thanks a ton to Lichess Team, including Developers who has made so wonderful chess site and improve it a lot and daily!


Thanks for clarification, Gregory. Your point is much clearer now.
Thank you a lot for your support!
I would tell you that

i think that LANCE5500 has got the strength, the fantasy and the passion

to face every game and\or everyone

But i am not envious of that....


Someone accused me of cheating, some times ago; and, like my friend Mina Tofa says @ #11, it is allowed to suspect

in lichess like in the life :D

But, I KNOW that I AM a honest player

So i think that the critics (that - I would repeate - they are allowed) should and could slide on the indifference.

1 e4 c6
2 d4 d5
3 Nc3 d:e4
4 N:e4 Nd7
5 Qe2 Ngf6??????????????????????

6 Nd6#

Check mate

Lance, in the name of honest people, wins

Andrea from Italy
Hello Andrea,

Thank you very much for your great post and support.
You are a fair player also.

This opening trap is common.

It's possible to receive checkmate even faster in hyperbullet games, especially in unusual openings, since hyperbullet requires the constant rush maximal rush.

But that's why also hyperbullet is so great and exciting cause both opponents have to rush constantly so the games are really wild in comparing to slower time controls.

Thanks a ton to Lichess Team and BitChess for organizing many chess and crazyhouse hyperbullet tournaments.

Such kind of tournaments really provide a lot of fun.

Lance from Russia

Some people just need their trashtalk to accompany their presence, let's just hope he'll drop the gamesmanship as he gets older, and maybe the lesson learned from this faux pas against a kind fellow player such as yourself will help him in this journey.
Only played one game with Lance5500 and it doesn't seem to be in the database any longer. Can't even remember what account it was on. Maybe he remembers the one. It was either the one minute or thirty second games. Went into a Rook and Pawn endgame. Then I tried to win on time by making fast Rook moves. He traded rooks into a won King and Pawn endgame. He queened either the d or e Pawn, can't remember which. My King went all the way to a8, he put me in zugwang so I had to move the a Pawn to a7. Then he would have had mate with the Queen at c8 but since there was less than a second left I just let my clock run out.
Hi y'all!

I just discovered this topic and I feel I ought to write something to his defense. I met Lance in October 2007 and I started taking lessons from him that fall. I have known him for over 8 years and he is an excellent chess teacher, the best I ever had. I had other teachers before him, but they never managed to improve my chess, but he did. Lance is a great chess teacher, he follows the students' preferences and needs. I can assure you that from my own experience.

I've seen games where Lance has given a good challenge to GM Nigel Short, and even since GM Nigel Short is lightning years ahead of Lance's level of chess understanding, I find it really impressive that Lance has managed to score about 25% in the hundreds of games he has played vs GM Nigel Short who was ranked 3rd in the World by FIDE from January 1988 to July 1989.

I know Lance, and I know that he is not interested in titles nor playing long tournaments over the board, he loves to play online and he loves to give chess tuitions, and he should be respected for that.


@LM ChessInstinct.

I have seen just 1 link to your game in the second topic.

Your play was pretty logical according to the famous and super useful chess book "My System" by Aaron Nimzovich.

So it is very strange that this game appears in the topic:

It's very sad that you were banned.

I don't know a reason for it and I am very glad that you are unbanned cause you are a fair and good player.

Thank you for you very kind opinion about my play.
I appreciate it.

GMs have much more stabile level of play in all or most of their games.

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