
Lichess removed Pirate flag !? (As well as some others)

On your profile page you can now add flair.

You can choose pirate flag from the list of available emojis.

Search on "pirate" to find it fast.

To see flairs you need to have that setting turned on in Preferences / Display / Show player flairs.

Edit: nvm I see you found "alien-monster" flair.
@SimpleOpposite said in #1:
> No more funny flags. Just countries. Give it back!
Completely agree. Flags were better.
I understand how people might like flairs more but that somehow just screams "" at me. I loved the flags more and personally in my own opinion just dislike the new flairs. Luckily for me there is an option to disable flairs in the settings.
Lichess, please, revert this.
I also wish people would stop chit-chatting about those silly things here...makes it look like Facebook.
The change makes a good sense, IMHO. Flags are for countries, if you want to advertise your (other) interests, preferences or views, you have flairs to do that.

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