
LiChess tools flags bug.

I am using the lichess tools extension created by @totalnoob69 ( thank you for all the effort you put into this extension for free <3 ) , it just adds so many useful features, and many slight visual changes. on the topic of visual changes, recently lichess added flairs, and removed some flags, as thibault stated here.
Previously, I had the lichess flag set to my profile, which was changed to a golden lichess flair. without the extension, I am not able to see my old flag, but with the extension enabled ( and the show player country flags option enabled ) I am able to see the lichess flag next to my name, and I am not able to change it.
That's the intent of the feature, to see the flag :) If you want to remove the flag you need to unset your country. Or do you need a specific functionality that I don't understand?
Ah. There is also a local flag cache so the server is not overwhelmed. So even if you change your country you will still see the flag for a few days. The solution for this is to go to Preferences -> LiChess Tools -> Show Flags and ... err... turn it off and on again. This will reset the cache.
It is, indeed, cumbersome, so I fixed it so that changing the country will reset the cache. Thanks for the bug report!
I like this use of the feedback category.
@Akarsh_2010 said in #1:
> I am able to see the lichess flag next to my name, and I am not able to change it.
In order to change it, you have to 1) change the flair (which you probably did) and 2) click on the "submit" icon below

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