
Casual terms of address for women?

As an adult female chess player I do find it a bit disrespectful when even adult female commentators will refer to adult female player's as Girls when they are obviously older!! Though it can be a first Language problem
@fiendcel said in #19:
> why do you hate trans people?
Your "logical" conclusion doesn't force trans hate or
non trans hate
@Buny77 said in #21:
> As an adult female chess player I do find it a bit disrespectful when even adult female commentators will refer to adult female player's as Girls when they are obviously older!! Though it can be a first Language problem

Though now that I'm v elderly I would be happy to be referred to as a Girl!! Lols!! :)))))
@Buny77 said in #21:
> As an adult female chess player I do find it a bit disrespectful when even adult female commentators will refer to adult female player's as Girls when they are obviously older!! Though it can be a first Language problem

what to call if i don't have any clue other person's age and my comment is about completely different topic just saying
@ew-pawn said in #24:
> what to call if i don't have any clue other person's age and my comment is about completely different topic just saying

You have lost me a bit! I was talking about commentators on all female tournaments:)) So they are obviously all female! :))

Yes, if I don't no someone's gender/age, I would just say hi and chat/make friends, etc
@Buny77 said in #25:
> You have lost me a bit! I was talking about commentators on all female tournaments:)) So they are obviously all female! :))
> Yes, if I don't no someone's gender/age, I would just say hi and chat/make friends, etc

No problem I would do the same :)
@ForumPoster4242 said in #1:
> While speaking to my peers that are men, I often use casual terms of address such as 'man', 'brother', 'bruv' and the like, but what about when addressing women? I have observed that women (in my locality) that are close friends with each other mostly call each other 'bro' but it sounds kinda odd so I want to know about terms of address that are specific to women.

uh if we're really close we call eachother b**** (that might just be a high school thing tho idk)
@kit_kat1122 i call my close friends who are woman; "peanut" as a slang in my language means attractive woman

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