
What jobs can and will Ai replace?

I am curious to what kind of jobs AI can replace now or in the future? maybe over the next 50 years or more. Think about it. Thw world is about to change. I can think of some jobs but would love to hear from you too as I know I havent thought of many things. Ill start with a list here: (btw its not a topic about wether AI is good or bad, thats for another conversation)

internet marketing: it can manage social media. write articles. do research. compile info for presentations etc.

youtube channels/influencers: virtual people speaking in either your voice or their own. fake online personalities.

Models: beautiful people who are fake but you cant see the difference. They will be on the cover of magazines. wear designer clothings etc.

Movie stars: movie stars are already selling their 'digital self brand". So they will never grow old on the screen. New fictional stars will emerge as well. They work for cheap haha.

Medical Doctors: AI will do surgeries. diagnosis, reading X rays, prescribing etc.

girlfriend boyfriends: Ai robots will eventually be preferred by many instead of real humans. Including sex. romance. even friendships. a social conversational partner etc.

Art: AI will make art you wont be able to tell the difference between human made and AI made.

ideas for movie scripts. good stories: AI is very creative and can create plots for great stories easily in seconds.

Authors: Ai will eventually be able t write just as well as the best authors ever lived.

Therapists: AI will be a great therapist as it understand the human condition very well.

Truck drivers etc.: trucks, busses, taxis and trains will drive themselves.

factory workers: lots of lifting etc in warehouses will be replaced.

stock brokers investors etc.: already to 2 largest corporation's in the world is run by AI. research Aladdin and black rock and vanguard. Its pretty scary. Also day trading on the stock market is done by AI.

Lawyers: AI can do what lawyers do soon.

Programmers: AI will be able to program at one point. Even create its own programming language.

Airplane pilots: they will be flying themselves just like the cars drive themselves.

What else I havent thought about? please continue.

Also here is a small list I think is jobs that AI cannot replace anytime soon. I think. Might be wrong.

construction. I think it will be hard to see AI build an actual house. With all its details. maybe cheap box houses etc. but not a real traditional home with various materials etc.

certain police work: I think some things in a police mans day can not be replaced by AI. Unless there is a AI robot AS the policemen itself. who knows. might be possible. now im doubting haha.

hmm im running out of ideas fast here.... im sure there is more.

So let me hear from you. what do YOU think? remember we talk about AI over the next 50 years or more. Not present. But things are developing pretty fast I would say.
I dont believe all jobs will go away within the next 50 years, but the requirements to get the same job will different. Just like a self-checkout at a grocery store is much more efficient than a human cashier at every checkout station, employees will have to be able to manage more stations, doing the job of many, replacing the jobs of several people. An employee should know how to: assemble, maintain, and know the number to call to troubleshoot ai and robot work units. It's no longer important if you can personally do the repetitive job because the ai robot can do it better and cheaper than you, but if you can be a manager of these worker units doing the jobs, which people would have done, as well as be the human customer service and salesperson for real human customers. Companies might value customer service, salespeople, security, janitorial work, and research and development more, with more of the basic grunt work at any corporation handled. The education bar would go up just to get a job for people being able to handle ai robots at any workplace, futuristically, i think. What skills do you have besides just being able to do cheap grunt work? That's what would truly matter!
Trolling, misinformation, misdirection and lying on the Internet will be the number one task for AI. No human have the stamina to compete. Evil organizations and evil governments will use this as much as possible. Social media and Internet in general will be a much worse place in the future.

The only way to counter this is to educate children in school how to recognize bullshit.

Addendum after 15 min:
Lobbyists, and other vested interests will of course oppose such education. And of course, governments will, after accepting suitable bribes, forbid such education.

The future of mankind is bleak...
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I think it's easy to see how translators (text based work, easy to train from existing material) would be replaced before the person fixing the plumbing in an old building (understanding the physical space and the old installation, lots of unknowns, many risks).

Still you can also say that a translator has to have the same kinds of sensibilities about the "environment" of a diplomatic conversation. So you can see them using a machine (making them more efficient, eliminating some, but not all work), but it will require the future generation, which they call "Generalized AI", to completely replace them, because generally in any job, you need something that/someone who really understands the world, not just the task space.

It will come, but we have some decades to rethink the concept of work before it is entirely transformed. I think the main task we have now is to make sure everyone benefits.
The AI era is just as important as the era of the wheel. The wheel became very useful for humanity, and so will the AI's.
Stockmarket investments in AI technology
Let's do some quick inaccurate math with these numbers.
$37.5 billion in 2019
$97.9 billion in 2023
Since 5 years, my estimate says the growth is 60.4 billion per 5 years or 12.1 billion per year.
Isn't that a growth of billion per month?
I wonder if we really need a job? Can a person really invest in the growth and then retire with the profits?
If AI's take over the world, we won't need a job. All we will need is an AI taking care of our investment portfolio.

We must learn to adapt and over come our fears. I hope AI's will first fix the bias hiring and firing of human jobs, so that it becomes fair play for everyone. Nobody needs dead-weight in a company. With resource centers using AI's maybe when we change a job we will no longer need to start at the bottom of a ladder. Doing our time in the workforce has value. Experience is the value. That value means when you change jobs, you should never be required to start like you have zero experience in the work force. At the very least you should be paid more for that experience. People might go on strike to get more money. But what happens when an AI makes the call that a zero experience employee can still do the job. Guess what they will loss their jobs. So going on strike to disrupt humanity risks being a thing of the past.

I think in real life, nothing that really matters will really change. We may think we are making more money ... so we can go buy more expensive things like homes. But in the end, the truth is the percentage of money left in our pockets will remain the same. That percentage has seemed to have remained the same all my life. Wages increase so the demands increase. If we reduce our demanding (Spend less), the percentage in our wallets will increase. AI's is just math. It's not the job that sets you for life, it's playing your percentages right. Everything in life has weight factors. What's important to you today, might not be when you are older. We make so many biased discussions and the AI's are doing math with them and linking words to us. AI's could also be biased because they are learning from us. AI's must have empathy !! They need to learn from all types of life. One way or another AI's will end up generalizing and being biased in it's own way, because they will have their own unique ways of experiencing the world. So they too will have their social structures.
The profit of using AI will go to AI owners, but if the government put a lot of tax on owning AI, the profit could make the average person's life easier, with more money going to the now enormous amount of jobless people. AI made products will become extremely cheap, with owners no longer needing to pay wages, and the more AI generated profit there is, the more the common person could benefit.

However, it could also go bad, if the AI owners keep all the money, mass layoffs happen, then we would get a problem many times the magnitude of the current 1% of the richest people are too rich problem. Anyone with a job, any job, would become extremely rich.

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