
CSS, JavaScript, Coding On Lichess forum

@BerserkAsIfUWereMad @ChesswurmOTB

Idea: Since, it seems that this team is about CSS, JS coding in lichess (and other languages), developer emphasis, I would like to start another sibling team (as in the Inbox virtual thread experiment: sibling team with different acting leader, and focus, but very closely related, logically so).

This one would be:
Learning CSS, JS coding in lichess (and other languages)

I would make a closed sticky one-post-thread linking to it, here. And reciprocal there, There I would use material from here, as basis of discussion.

This would allow all the topics that have been approached without conclusion or without a working code as product to be the object of discussion or threads there.

Among those: all the more thematic questions that can't be packaged yet as projects, but which are definitely building blocks or steps needed to identify what to learn in priority, for those of us who have time to get lost in open questions.

code as an object of science, would be my aesthetics, or bias, or angle of learning. (pulling on one thread to see the whole thing, if not then another thread, going back and forth maybe). Experimental. Hands-on for the old or lazy people.

I am asking you about your permission to use your creations or posts as material of discussion or dissection, if i think it appropriate for my topics. You would not have to be members but could be, you could use the stuff there, here as well, with links to thread or even posts, finding ways not to double the work, though.

Any objection? or preference. Do you think it would be good. can i use this team names and proposed mechanics? Amendment suggestions welcome.

I would clean up open ended stuff that i have backed up from here, and what is left here in the intro and general thread. Might even put the thread about notes on team management over there (any preference for that particular idea)?

@ChesswurmOTB I kept thinking about this format aspect: let it close or expand with my request. And the maintenance work in either expand within and bump until i get to it as a requester or developer (i am also a learner-tester BTW, but that is a parenthesis;), where was i? ah, yes either that bump while waiting, and its added vigilance work, or let it close, and if something that depends on it arise then make a new post or thread where it fits:

new finished project dependent request for development (me or anybody)
the team inbox thread (for now, the sibling team with prefix inbox)
new finished project dependent questions for learning or understanding (me or anybody)
the team learning thread (for nowish, the projected sibliing team with prefix learning)
new finished project dependent ????
the team ???? thread (would be some sibling team with prefix ????)

????: what i am not able to think about now, but you or others could.
I am sorry to announce that I forgot to maintain active one of our indexes about extensions. It has been archived.
I keep it sticky, until someone requests from me to reopen it (which i can do, by delete thread and making a new one, with merged content).

Please contact me if new extension pointers or matter comes to you, do not use another index, if we want to keep this structure going.

I will keep a closer eye on the indexes, if you see such a thread going near 27 days old, please let me know. thanks.
To anybody: forum management or extended "formatting" question:

how useful would a tool like nextcloud be for sharing pics, pdf, spreadsheets and even text files? there are local server versions of it (not the only one), but they also work with reputable hosting services, maybe some of those would be free or open source, anyway this could be an anonymisation layer and file management (allowing folder topics for shared files) i don't know if i am exaggerating the possibilities, anybody having more info?

also, i am not pinging the usual suspects, because i want to assume that this forum is alive and that members do check the forum front page from time to time, for new content. i should not be the only one. I accepted the admin chores, but the content is not just my responsibility to be aware of. `You would avoid some of my monologues if you took some part of that task upon yous.

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