
Maintenance (high turn over, watch your steps)

Archived topics backups, dump, re-editing, streamlining, no thinking or creating, unless compressing content into globally readable. To other member, readers leaders: this is not the thread you are looking for.... and these are my hands, convincingly waving in front of your eyes at the same time you were reading "this is not the thread you are looking for .... and these are my hands, convincingly waving in front of your eyes at the same time you were reading "this is not the thread you are looking for .... and these are my hands, convincingly waving in front of your eyes at the same time you were reading "this is not the thread you are looking for ....
Now i am stuck with this post for as long as this thread is not nuked. A clear reminder, but such a waste of the first thread page.... just, wait for the other posts... (<----- inner dialog, I don't know, yet, how to TRON myself into the cloud yet).
OK, then, just TO DO , and DONE log recording the steps toward my local machine stored, buffer back-up. I will do the editing there, but keep sufficient trace here, for ability to take long breaks and get back on task, without loss of information for anybody. These steps should be clear about how much of the lichess archived content is ready to be re-uploaded, or temporarily nuked.
To the strong minded still reading:
- (or the blind, but then how are you reading this?, I wonder... and write, superfluously)
* If you have some energy or time left for your own content revision, or any generous ideas or comment on mine or others' postings I might have taken under my maintenance scope, well, if that, then here is the place to keep and put notes to influence this reshaping maintenance plan/project/experiment/grandiose undertaking.
* Please ping me to bring my attention before I re-upload, and/or before I nuke/resurrect dead threads (PM if you urgent, but only for notification and link back to the real content of focus or yours).).
[Editorial, for restricting PM usage] Use the cripple new PM system just for notification, as it kept the no editing handicap of previous UI, but lost threading, only gain is easily text owner attribution through left and right alternating paragraph justification, the Discord looking channel and deferred scrolling are not improvements from the user experience point of view (unless it effectively helps with server load, only excuse I can fall for).
Did you notice the modular posts?
That is trying some team specific forum style or format. It makes for easier surgical maintenance in teams; revising yourself for mood swings, aftermath self doubts, or just plain evolution of what your best thought is?
Yours or mine, pulling the context carpet from under the syntax, using the transposition node of the impersonal English "you" that connects the personal one.... chess and linguistics...infinite text recursion? echo, echo, echo... I feel so free to make mistakes now.... I am levitating.... still reading? Very strong willed, you are.
Still on the first page..... ok time to work. I will smile during that time, surfing on the fun of having written the above, and being possibly read by some imaginary lichess user, not playing chess and looking for distracting word sequences..... work, yes, right, ok, what was it I wanted to do here? so many CAPTCHAs (whatever the plural is), I will soon have no chess left in me... Also, how big is the bank of positions being permuted? or is it live database sample, generated, any measure of difficulty variance, what kind of positional metric statistics, how do these statistics change compared to corresponding metrics for puzzle positions?...
work, work, work, I could swear, I had a well defined purpose when creating this thread.... and now.... click on reply. I enjoy this mental arms wrestling in term of savoring the moment or duration, between actually having solved the CAPTCHA, but waiting for the right moment to hit reply, while writing extra stuff originally meant to increase the enjoyable moment of this titan duel, but sometimes asking real, but buried interesting question, for me at least, I pat myself, etc.... and now sending into the cloud...
* TO DO All (extended range, superseding) (iteration=1)
** KEEP experimenting
--- this is actually a WARNING about high turn-over, WIP, better look away (unless curious and helpful)
** main objectives and or constraints (some overlaps)
--- cleanup, resurrect, adjust for easier sustainable m
TOC&INDEX (consolidate, centralize, cross-link access)
--- information content integrity,
--- no backup bloat, content based pointers

Find good looking indentation system
Find policy for new popping raw items, while waiting for practical integration.
Candidate signals/trick
WIP #, *, -, [], (), ALL CAPS, First cap only
Maybe decide if this is meant to be readable by others, or only shorthand for myself

** KEEP doing full backups, while on first page
--- overwriting previous ones, until first post deletion

** Consider duplicating live items across revolving TO DO and TRACE posts.
--- until their superseding sibling status is proven by usage and time
--- caveat of caveat, deal with mutations in superseded

** TO DO Out (maintenance, CSS team-proper) (iteration=1)
- list of thread topics that are ARCHIVED (= closed by lichess automatic archival system = no re-opening)
- flag those that are sticky
- complete list text with back-link to thread top post.
- keep trace of dead thread contributors (possibly isolate posts here for surgical collaboration)
- assign probability of future need for:
--- reopening, revision, or migration to other teams, or plain digital oblivion

** TO DO In (maintenance, this very thread) (iteration=1)
- In-policy
--- maybe keep in-policy in own evolving atomic post?
--- avoid ":" for windows OS filenames pasting ease.
--- Progression: keep trace of progress? or erase?
- KEEP updating and isolating this post, like a "live" transposon.
--- add "transposon" to my chrome basic check spell dictionary, or use "Transposon" (no, still not happy).

Experiment (iteration=0)
Trigger next page creating event in thread
-- reproducible requirements
---- browser tab reload
-- only 1 line posts
-- post causing the new thread page creation (and URL mod)
-- caveat !web design transition?!

User-end Feature Question (no Experiment yet)
- Interaction between events (including user input triggers)
-- next page creation in thread
-- VS
-- Web Responsive Design transition (CSS media queries: viewport , or even DPI/Device type)

Under-the-hood User-end Feature Question (!child first order, in my indentation, it seems!)
-- what code (CSS, JS, else) within lichess server provided local content in browser space is responsible for different media queries awareness. Is it always the compiled JavaScript,

---- although i am trying concise syntax for myself (and maybe others comprehension, not decided yet), this is not meant to look like compiler constraint programming syntax. The only compiler constraint is wet human brain thinking. so none of the superfluous space wasting styling here. (just human access, mine first).

stamina level=0. WIP not RIP

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