
A difficult endgame study!

Hello everyone, it has been some time since I have shared my work but here we are again. I think it would be fun to share a endgame study I have made where it is white to draw, it is quite complex so if any of you have questions, respond in the forum or message personally.

Here is the study!

Thank you all for solving it,
It was a wonderful composition!
First move didn't took much of a time but Ra5, Bg6 and Be1 took a lot of time which I would call as the 'crucial moves' of the solution. And towards the end it was pretty much forced.
In all, it took me around 293 seconds (checked with timer) to solve the solution. And to be honest, I didn't have even a single bad move but at one point was going to make the wrong move.
Again an excellent puzzle and one of the best of recent times.
@Akbar2thegreat Thanks a lot for your words, I appreciate it. I am shocked you managed to find some of the difficult moves like Bc3+ so quick lol. Thanks for enjoying my work :)


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