
nimzo larsen attack

В партии Раджабов - Аронян (№16) ход 7. ... d:c4 не из лучших. Лучше играть как партии Смирин-Гупта. Белые не в силах помешать высвобождающему ходу 11. ... c5!

26.h4 h6 27.g4 Kd8 28.Ke3

Would you mind using english algebraic (27...Kd8) or san notation (27...e8d8)? Google translate is not good in translating russian chess moves.
@SelfmateMan Хорошо, признаю чёрные проиграли. В случае 28. ... d7b7 чёрные не в силах остановить наступление белых пешек на ферзевом фланге. А в случае 28. ... d8c8 чёрные гибнут из-за удалённости короля. Но мне не нравится добровольная сдача центра 5. ... d5c4?! Мне по вкуса больше 5. ... f8g7, например, такая партия:
@ujcn yes, 5...Bg7 is definitely an improvement. White can play 8.Nb5 Na6 when the Ra8 is bound to the pawn a7 for a while, but black can also equalize here according to my analysis.

Regarding the rook endgame, it is a draw of course, i wanted to check if you find it ;-) Black must not go to b7 with his king, but he must play more actively, king to f5 and try to get a passer on king side. That is one of the two ways to defend these endgames (the other is the K to b7 idea). Here is an example:

... and black gets his own passed pawn.

However, white still has some ideas in the 5...dxc4 line (which i wont tell :-p) and your 5...Bg7 is probably more precise.

Still my personal fav to set up with black against the Larsen is ..d5, ..Nf6, ..e6, ..Be7, and then continue depending on what white plays. Its a matter of taste.

1.b3 is definitely not the biggest danger for black, but he can also not get any advantage if white plays it right.

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