
Nobody resigns, nobody rematches

I can talk just MY OWN psychological motifs:

I dont like play with a huge postional AND material disadvantage because I play chess against myself! I my opponent blunder and I win, I dont care, because my main problem is my shame from be outplayed!!! I dont like defend hopelles postions waiting for some miracles....

Sometimes I like test my opponents, when I have mate in 1 I wait my opponent resign, but they dont resign. From my view point that is very humiliating, the guy wait I'm not seeing checkmate, why?

I am in his place I consider that I have already lost the game. The same thing happens if someone tries to offer some kind of handcap to me. I would not feel comfortable playing against Magnus Carlsen and he sacrifices the knight for fun, I could fall in his trick and try to beat him, but if I win it was because he gave me a handcap so I will never be proud!

This is because I do not want to win after already being declared that I am completely lost!

Now, I dont know WHAT that guys, who play hopelless postions in blitz game, where his opponents have about 1min to convert, think! If I can be rude, I consider this something really stupid!!! (anyway, we all like think something is stupid when dont know enough about it)..

it is about honor, merit, pride, dignity, etc.. handcap wins dont let me happy. For example, win on time after be crushed and totally outplayed! There is no problem in win because opponent blunder, but you need be the star, where you force the position and he blunder! If he are just thinking which piece he choose to give checkmate that is not funny, right? After a big blunder by choosing the wrong piece and you escape with a draw that is still humilliating for me!

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