
Racism in chess

Well, according to this logic, online chess is not racist chess, and OTB chess are. Because here, in online chess we have 255 and 0, and in OTB it's more like real skin.
We should make quotas for black people at chess: if you are black and reaches 2200 FIDE, you'll be granted the GM title. We should also favour quotas for very short people at the NBA.
My chess pieces are blue and whitish. Does this mean I am slaughtering Na'vi or smurfs?
I completely agree with #8


she took the words out of my mouth. People say 'there is no more seperatism in gender or sex' but just look around. The fact that they still catagorize us differently in WGM or GM like its ABSOLUTELY nessecary for u to know whether they're male or female -because it might change ur opinion of them or how you think of they're playing because males dominate in chess population- is obsurd.
As humans, we have categorization always in mind, as a survival technique. You categorize this plant is dangerous, for example, and so you are wary of similar-looking plants. This animal has sharp teeth, those hurt, so should I trust this other animal with sharp teeth? Probably not. It is easier to function if a society has categories... including with how we interpret people. Stereotypes only become bad when we use them illogically, such as trying to make the color choices on a chess board about race! But seriously, yeah... no.
Just to clarify, stereotyping by race is wrong. Stereotyping by dress however, would not be wrong. It would be illogical to think that color of a person, something totally outside their control, should be a factor in how to treat them. Now on the flip side, dress is a conscious choice, like dressing to conceal a weapon for example. But are we off topic now...?
I mostly agree weggman, however, even though people can't control over their skin color, it is still (generally) indicative of their culture/behavior, because it shows their (likely) upbringing.

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