
Why the Opposition to Draws?


"At least at my level I know something about how to play the game"

Except when it comes to offering draws :-)

Seriously though, I agree with your main concern where players on this site can use the draw offer option as a distraction. It is most annoying when contemplating a complex move, as you rightly say.

Hopefully Lichess will tone down the draw offer graphics.

Have a nice day. :-)
Your grandiosity is abhorrent. And notice how I'm NOT going to link you to a dictionary that defines those words for you. Because I'm not insulting your intelligence.

You're telling people rated lower than you that they don't know how to play chess. You're linking to UD, because apparently you're the only one here that knows what BFD means or the only one who knows how to use a dictionary. You're comparing yourself to grandmasters. You won't apologize to someone you attacked for absolutely no reason. You consider draw offers nothing more than a distraction. You criticize people you don't like as "uncivilized", because I guess you're the pinnacle of civilization. You disregard the opinions of others as worthless.

It's amazing.
I don't remember if I have offered draw ever (probably there's few times) but still... to be sure not to disturb BobC in the future unnecessarily, I blocked him. :D

To nourish harmony.
I see it that way:
if a position is "draw" then continuing to play should not alter the outcome. -> ok If someone wins playing on was justified - the position was not clear to everyone in the given time. -> ok

I can live without draw offers, in fact sometimes I play whole open otb tournanents without any at all. I have nothing special against a draw offer which I decline regularly in online games - but there should be on- and offline the unwritten law that only one offer is allowed, not two consecutive by the same player.

1458. Wow. Amazing.

Maybe you should spend more time studying the game instead of complaining about everything. I suggest study the endgame first.
"but there should be on- and offline the unwritten law that only one offer is allowed, not two consecutive by the same player."

Very good. That's the way it should be.
1. Turn off the chat.
2. Switch to windowed mode.
3. Resize the window such that you can only see the board, but not the move list, draw / takeback offers etc.
4. Choose a desktop background that does not distract you.
5. Stop insulting lower rated players.
I have a gigantic screen so that idea won't work. But thanks for the information and thanks for the harassment.

I have learned something interesting at this place. It's full of crybabies.
Although... I don't believe in "don't feed trolls" slogan and believe that BobC is the one who isn't behaving properly.

Not enough symmetry for xkcd comic to be relevant, imo.

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