
ban of russian players, send this email, please

Hiermit fordere ich lichess auf, russische und weißrussische Spieler als Reaktion auf die Invasion in die Ukraine sofort von lichess auszuschließen.
Fifa und UEFA haben dies bereits im Bereich Fußball veranlasst, das IOC empfiehlt den Ausschluss russischer Sportler, ebenso weitere Verbände (Rugby, Hockey u.a.m.).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
(diese mail habe ich mit vollem Namen gesendet)

I hereby request lichess to immediately ban Russian and Belarusian players from lichess in response to the invasion of Ukraine.
Fifa and UEFA have already initiated this in the field of football, the IOC recommends the exclusion of Russian athletes, as well as other associations (rugby, hockey, etc.).

Kind regards,
(sent with full name)

Настоящим прошу lichess немедленно забанить российских и белорусских игроков на lichess в ответ на вторжение в Украину.
ФИФА и УЕФА уже инициировали это в сфере футбола, МОК рекомендует исключить российских спортсменов, а также другие ассоциации (регби, хоккей и др.).
(отправлено с настоящим именем)
For example, you're German.Does it mean you're responsible for Hitler's acts? No.
Just like that.Russian people are not responsible for Putin's acts.
P.E: For those who will say "Then they shouldn't have elected Putin as president": No one told them Putin was going to declare war on Ukraine.
no one will ban its own players on platform because some brainwashed idiot wants that
@AOOP09 said in #2:
> For example, you're German.Does it mean you're responsible for Hitler's acts? No.

Oh, rly??? Did Hitler fight against the whole world alone? Of course Germans of 1930-40s were totally responsible for the war crimes.
Do what you want, aoop09.
This is not against the russian players here or the russian people in general. I know that most of the the 140 Million russian people are not responsible. But lichess can ́t neglect the worldwide ban of russian sportlers, musicians etc. lichess is responsible for its acts and should behave in solidary with the Ukraine and participate.

If not, it would be embarrassing for lichess in the long run.

(and yes, germans were responsible, of course)
I am not sure about e-mails but again ask Lichess to clarify its position in this question.
@YoChen said in #1:
> Hiermit fordere ich lichess auf, russische und weißrussische Spieler als Reaktion auf die Invasion in die Ukraine sofort von lichess auszuschließen.
> Fifa und UEFA haben dies bereits im Bereich Fußball veranlasst, das IOC empfiehlt den Ausschluss russischer Sportler, ebenso weitere Verbände (Rugby, Hockey u.a.m.).
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> (diese mail habe ich mit vollem Namen gesendet)
> I hereby request lichess to immediately ban Russian and Belarusian players from lichess in response to the invasion of Ukraine.
> Fifa and UEFA have already initiated this in the field of football, the IOC recommends the exclusion of Russian athletes, as well as other associations (rugby, hockey, etc.).
> Kind regards,
> (sent with full name)
> Настоящим прошу lichess немедленно забанить российских и белорусских игроков на lichess в ответ на вторжение в Украину.
> ФИФА и УЕФА уже инициировали это в сфере футбола, МОК рекомендует исключить российских спортсменов, а также другие ассоциации (регби, хоккей и др.).
> (отправлено с настоящим именем)
@YoChen it would be understandable to ask lichess to clarify their position but too presume that it would be appropriate to ask for the ban of players is both rude and unfair as many countries do bad things and their citizens are not punished or mistreated as bad as Russian citizens.
LOL! People think Germans are responsible for Hitler's acts. LOL!
Then i should leave the conversation as you two won't understand my message.
Germans were not responsible for Hitler's acts, Germans who supported Nazis were.

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