
Search "user:MaartenT"

61 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Onwards and upwards!#20

That's good news! I am curious to see a graph of new registrations / week and total number of games played / week to see how they correlate with the lockdown and Netflix's "The Queen's Gambit". Any id…

Lichess Feedback - Where does the prize pool money for the new prize arena tournaments come from?#11

@lovlas I do appreciate all the efforts of lichess volunteers and I agree that individual users have enough ways to offer suggestions or ask questions. My point however is that, to have legitimacy in …

Lichess Feedback - Where does the prize pool money for the new prize arena tournaments come from?#4

I don't necessarily disagree with the decision but have two remarks: 1) You should probably add these costs in the "where does the money go" spreadsheet on the donate page for full disclosure—and not …

Lichess Feedback - Lobby graph suggestion#1

It would make more sense (to me) to have the opponent's strength plotted relative to mine, rather the absolute values like it is now. So instead of 1400, 1500, 1600, 1800 etc. have it plotted as -200,…

Lichess Feedback - Bug in Hook Mate 2 Practice#2

It's not a bug, because f2-f4 is not checkmate. You should look up the "en passant" rule:

Lichess Feedback - [bug?] Search icon in main header works only once per loaded site#2

Wanted to make the same remark, I also think it's a small bug. But since you already said so, let me use the opportunity to say that I still miss the sound icon that used to be there. Never forget!

Lichess Feedback - Allow 1 takeback by default (within time limit)#3

Isn't there a "confirm move" option on the app?

Lichess Feedback - swiss tournament#30

I made a similar suggestion a while ago, I will repeat it here. There should be two kinds of tournaments: 1) Easy join, easy leave, fast-paced, i.e. exactly what Arena tournaments now offer; but also …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess shield#8

Slight variation on this nice idea: Not just an arena tournament, but an elimination one (or swiss). The winner is granted the right to play a match of several games against the shield bearer. Names a…

Lichess Feedback - Specific color for Mate in #n#2

I have thought about this, too. In addition, I would love to see some unit for the vertical axis. For example: +-1 (pawn), +-3 (piece), +-9 or more (queen or more) and above that a line indicating for…
